Hey Ladies! I am so very excited to see what God has in store as we read "Get Over Yourself" together! I KNOW that God has ordained our steps and is wanting to speak directly to our hearts, minds, and spirits! As we read , I want us to be honest with ourself and each other. Let's have open and thought provoking conversation with one another! Come back often to share, and to see what other women are learning! This will help lead us up to our final conversation about the book when we get together in February!
Here are some thoughts I have as we begin TRANSFORMED! TRANSFORMATION only comes if #1. You WANT it! #2. You are YIELDED to the PROCESS no matter how difficult the challenge and hard the sacrifices become.... so count the cost!! #3. If you are WILLING to ADMIT you NEED CHANGE! #4. When you realize that conformity to this world, it's ways, it's principles, it's morals (or lack thereof) etc etc etc..... is really rebellion against God and all that He stands for. And... #5. You are determined that it's GOD'S WAY OR NO WAY! A mind renewed is a life free, changed, transformed, and full of love, joy, and peace! Let the transformation begin!!! (Romans 12:2) Tammy