Life Groups are a perfect way to connect, grow, and serve! We were created for community. Groups provide opportunities for relationships to take root and flourish. Groups gather together based on shared interests, a desire to study the Bible, or even to discuss one of the latest Sunday Messages. So, whether you are looking for fellowship or a deep dive into discipleship, we desire to provide a group for you. Browse through the current groups and sign up for the one that interests you. These groups will run more than once! And new groups will be added as this ministry grows! We hope you will join us as we connect, grow and serve together!
Don't see one that interests you right now? We'd love to hear your ideas, as we are always looking to add more!
Don't see one that interests you right now? We'd love to hear your ideas, as we are always looking to add more!
Do you desire to lead, or be a host home of, a Living Hope Life Group? All it takes is a willing heart, a little planning, and a desire to serve others by providing an opportunity to connect. It can be as simple as a gathering for coffee and conversation, or as deep as an online, or in person, curriculum based Bible Study. The possibilities are endless. Let us know of your interest by filling out the form below, and tell us how you see yourself engaging.
available life groups
Leader: Teresa Darcey FOOD DROP: Do you have a passion to serve others in a tangible way? Join this serve team to help distribute food, once a month, to those in need. Dates are currently being scheduled. Sign up now to be contacted when we are up and running. What better way to do life together than serving those in need! NOTE: As soon as our application with Feeding NE Florida is approved, this group will launch! ALWAYS ONGOING
Leaders: Gene & Carolyn Meadows MEALS THAT HEAL: Do you enjoy cooking for others? Do you have a desire to serve those in need during times of crisis? This group will be the call team just for that and will serve on an "as needed" basis. We believe that providing meals to help lift the load for families walking through the death of a loved one, or those coping with a family member experiencing an extended hospital stay, or whatever need arises, brings hope and healing to their hearts. This group is ongoing and those on the team will be contacted as needed. CLOSED FOR SUMMER
Join to receive notices for next group Leaders: Kaley Mayer Who doesn't like sitting across the table with friends, connecting over a cup of coffee? Ok, so maybe you don't like coffee, but there are sure to be other options as we explore all the coffee cafe's around. This Life Group is purely meant to help you get to know others and grow in relationships as you meet together bi-weekly within different demographics: Young Adults, Seniors, Men, Women etc. Choose your group and the schedule will be sent to you. |
Leaders: Pastors Dave & Tammy It’s never been more important for the Body of Christ to be equipped and empowered to live free and stay free – to be whole, restored, transformed, and ready to impact the world with a message of hope. Keys to Freedom from will take you on an interactive journey with God to explore: • Hearing from God • Committing and connecting with Christ • Renewing your mind • Choosing to forgive • Healing life’s hurts • Breaking generational patterns • Using your authority in Christ • Maintaining lifelong freedom Bonus teachings on Anger at God and Unhealthy Emotional Attachments NEW START DATE COMING SOON CLOSED FOR SUMMER
Join to receive notices for next group Leaders: Pastors Dave & Tammy These groups are... well, just what the title suggests! If you enjoy going to restaurants, or just gathering around a table with friends to eat and chat, these groups are for you! Purely for the purpose of connecting, Meet & Eats will be organized and scheduled based on various demographics and will take place once a month at various times and places. From a BBQ at someone's home to checking out the newest place out on the town, it's a great way to connect and get to know others better! CLOSED FOR SUMMER
Join to receive notices for next group Leaders: Angela Stackpole & Michelle Sanders Hey Ladies! Let's face it, life is busy! The to-do list is long. Life becomes a constant juggling act. And, before you know it, the chaos creeps in (actually pounces in) and consumes! Sometimes you just need to gather with other women to unwind, laugh, maybe craft or snack or bake or just hang with the gals for a bit while. Sound good? Then this group is for you. Gather will meet mid-week on a bi-weekly basis. |
Leaders: Bill & Cyndi Bryan This group is designed to help New Believers, as well as growing Christians, understand and deal with conflicts between old and new patterns of thoughts and habits. It also helps all believers develop a regular pattern of quiet time, prayer, Bible study, and Scripture memorization... foundations that are critical to your spiritual growth! This group will be held on Sunday mornings NEW START DATE COMING SOON JUST FINISHED SUMMER SESSION!
Leader: Portia Jennison Schools out! Now what? Are you looking for some fun in the sun this summer? How about an opportunity for the kids to play while you have grown up conversations with friends, share needs with each other, and join together in prayer? This group is of you! No Kids? No problem! That is if you don't mind a house full of littles running around. But, feel free to hang out with the gals. Pray & Play will be meeting weekly throughout the summer at the home of Bill and Portia Jennison. Wear your swimsuits, bring a towel and your picnic lunch! Kicking off in June! . |