PRAYER connects you to GOD!
FASTING disconnects you from the WORLD! Here we go! It’s time to RELAUCH our Spirit! We hope you begin this next 10 days with excitement and great expectations! There is no doubt that God intends to show up in your life in a powerful way as you step out in faith through intentional prayer and fasting. We anticipate healings and miracles, deliverance, freedom from bondage, breakthrough in every realm, deeper depth of spiritual growth and many testimonies of answered prayer! Don't expect an "easy" time! In fact, expect to wage war with your flesh as you deny it! Expect your Spirit man to rise up! Expect victories! Fight the good fight as you walk through these next few days. Keep on course! Don't neglect prayer and time in the Word. Fasting without prayer, is nothing more than a dietary restriction! When your flesh screams…. run to your prayer closet! We encourage you to use this blog to share thoughts, prayers, prayer requests, and scriptures. Share your personal struggles and victories! Let's encourage one another as the Body of Christ…. as a family! Also, be sure to share your successful recipes! (Click on the link to the right for past recipes… we will update it as more come available!) We are praying for YOU! Great things are in store! Expecting God! Pastor Dave & Tammy
1/18/2016 12:01:51 pm
I was nervous about doing the fast because I know that it comes with a spiritual battle. Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Then I decided that there was no way I was going to miss out on a opportunity to grow an even deeper and more powerful relationship with God. I am believing God for a few specific things! I want everything that God has for me, and there is nothing I would rather do than worship him and be in his full presence. Stay strong everyone and when you want that chocolate, Pray!! :)
1/18/2016 07:09:50 pm
I am SOOOOO excited to hear what God is already doing!!!!!! Wow! Just wow!!
1/18/2016 01:05:54 pm
Well before i even started i got attacked last night then at 5 this morning. The battle is on. And i am strong in the Lord and His word is my sword. Anyway had oatmeal with honey and mixed berries for breakfast. Now im eating a spinach and mushroom salad with a homemade dressing.
1/18/2016 01:30:12 pm
Awesome Ember!! The enemy KNOWS right well what buttons to push! But "no weapon formed against you shall prosper!" Praying for you today!! And, agreeing with you on ALL FRONTS!!
1/18/2016 01:16:26 pm
A friend posted this recipe on FB, it looks delicious, has lots of protein, and is Daniel's Fast Approved (Using the Avocado instead of the Vegan Yogurt).
1/18/2016 06:22:31 pm
Tofu burgers
1/18/2016 07:05:16 pm
How did they taste??
1/18/2016 07:09:03 pm
So I made baby limas with black rice. Onions, chipotle pepper, white and black pepper, and cinnamon! Turned out tasty, but over cooked a bit in the crockpot... So a little soft. But it makes a great chip dip! Btw.... Santinos and Tostitos makes a corn chip that is just corn, canola and salt. We typically will use them sparingly for a needed crunch! And make homemade salsa!
1/19/2016 10:32:03 am
Whole Wheat Flatbread
1/19/2016 11:09:53 am
Thanks Helen!!!
1/19/2016 10:36:32 am
Black Bean Salsa/Salad
1/19/2016 10:39:31 am
Ok have to give a praise report. Sunday as i left church i had 16 miles to empty and no money. When i made it home it said 8 or 3 to empty. Yesterday i wondering how i was going to get gas. I check all my cards and nothing was on them. As im looking through my wallet. I found $5. I looked up and told God thank you. As i leave to go to my moms my gage said 16 miles then 19. I was debating on going to get gas first cuz that morning it said 3. So i told.God ok im going to trust it. I get to my moms and it reads 0. I didnt say anything to my mom about this and as we are talking my dad calls and says that gas was cheep at walmart. My mom asks if i need gas i said well yes i do (but i didnt tell her i was on empty) she hands me her walmart card and says go fill up your van. When.i get back.i told my mom amd she destany and i prayed and thanked God. Then later someone who.owed me some money gave it to me. God is great!!! Keep your heads up. Breakthrough will happen. I belive God gave me that boost yesterday to let me know this is just the begining of great things to come! I belive that for each and every one of yall too. Im praying for yall.
1/19/2016 11:12:28 am
Praising God with you!!!! He is our PROVIDER!!! The smoothy sounds good!
1/19/2016 10:40:18 am
Stir fry sauce:
1/19/2016 12:52:56 pm
Thanks helen that sounds great. I need to get diffrent soy sause cuz found out mine has sugar. I want to try that on salad too.
1/19/2016 11:37:01 am
So... I experimented last night and YUM! Give it a try for some extra potassium and protein! Plus a sweet treat!
1/19/2016 12:51:08 pm
That sounds good im gonna have to try that. When.i was making my smoothie this morning i was wishing i had ice cream. Its funny cuz the kids keep wanting fruits and viggies which is great!! But out bananas, ect. Lol
1/19/2016 04:22:43 pm
I'm definitely going to try this! I just have to go get some honey!
1/19/2016 10:19:55 pm
It was delicious actually!!! We have a local honey guy out here in San Mateo.... He sells LARGE jars for $20. Want me to pick one up of you? We use quite a bit (especially for muffins for everyone is like a cup a day! LOL) Anyway.... it's more cost effective if you will use a lot.
1/20/2016 08:26:42 am
Thanks, but I'm going to see if I can find a small jar today. I don't think we will use that much honey.
1/19/2016 11:55:45 am
Just a note of encouragement! God is moving! I have headr already how God has "taken notice" of our desire to get serious about "plugging in to the power of prayer and fasting!". Strongholds are coming down! Prayers are being answered! The Word says "the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak!" (Mt. 26:14, Mk. 14:38) We war in the Spirit... Not in the flesh! (Eh. 6) So we must constantly pray that our flesh will submit to our Spirit! What a better way to put feet to our faith then by fasting! Strength and power is found when we crucify the flesh daily! (Galatians 20:20) You are purposing to do that when you fast! When the flesh screams... and it will.... shout out to Jesus! Get on your knees! Let it be the force that pushes you to the throne of God... to Jesus Christ... the source of our power and our strength! Our very own intercessor! Let the denial of our flesh (Mt. 16:24) force our focus towards HIM! Let it re-direct and re-prioritize our thinking, our desires, our hungers, our hopes, our dreams, our love, our passions.... ALL FOR HIM AND HIM ALONE! For HIS glory! It's time for Renewal! Revival! Relaunching!
1/20/2016 08:30:04 am
1/19/2016 05:30:04 pm
I am going to try this tomorrow for dinner.
1/20/2016 02:28:52 pm
That sounds good!!! Let us know how you like it! Tonight I am having a 15 bean tomato base stew over brown rice. I will also make a pasta salad for tomorrow!
1/22/2016 07:25:53 pm
The peppers were a lot of work for an ok meal. I just made the sweet treat with the Ezekiel cereal and that was the best thing I've ate since Sunday!!!!
1/23/2016 10:17:40 am
LOL!!! Glad you liked the sweet treat! Tim Hawkins tweeted "Ezekiel bread is great, you can eat it, or sand down a table with it!" LOL!
1/22/2016 09:19:49 pm
Redneck caviar
1/23/2016 10:18:53 am
hmmm... sounds good!
1/23/2016 09:26:53 am
This was so good I have heard of them but never actually tried them. They could actually replace spaghetti noodles for us permanently.
1/23/2016 10:20:36 am
This looked delicious! I'm going to try it for sure!
1/23/2016 06:03:29 pm
Ok who has prayed for snow and this cold weather? Lol my mom and aunt saw snow flurries today. Well God is working and prayers are starting to be answered slowly but its progress. But the enemy has also crept his way in undetected as well. So remember to "stay awake at all times and keep praying that you might have the strength to excape all the things that are going to take place and to stand in the before the son of man (luke 21:36) therefor put on the full armor of God so when the evil day comes you can withstand having done all that you can to stand.(ephesians 6:13)" ive been listening to a lot of my beckah shae scripture snacks. But that "song" has helped me in times through this. Keep haning on!!! We serve a great and mighty God and breakthrough is coming!!!!
1/24/2016 03:11:29 pm
Dinner tonight. Comments are closed.
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