PRAYER connects you to GOD;
FASTING disconnects you from the WORLD! It's that time again! Time to ENGAGE through prayer and fasting. We are excited, as always, to see what God will do in and through our church as we step out in faith believing! As our flesh submits to the Spirit of God, we anticipate healing and miracles, deliverance, freedom from bondage, breakthrough in every realm, deeper depth in spiritual growth and many testimonies of answered prayer! Don't expect an "easy" time! In fact, expect to wage war with your flesh as you deny it! Expect your Spirit man to rise up! Expect victories! Fight the good fight as you walk through these next few days. Keep on course! Don't neglect prayer and time in the Word. Fasting without prayer, is nothing more than a dietary restriction! When your flesh screams…. run to your prayer closet! We encourage you to use this blog to share thoughts, prayers, prayer requests, and scriptures. Share your personal struggles and victories! Let's encourage one another as the Body of Christ…. as a family! Also, be sure to share your successful recipes! (Click on the link to the right for past recipes… we will update it as more come available!) We are praying for YOU! Great things are in store! Expecting God! Pastor Dave & Tammy
1/19/2014 11:38:10 am
For those that have requested it… here is one of our favorites!
1/19/2014 01:13:54 pm
Gonna try these this year for sure! Thanks for posting.
1/20/2014 02:33:32 am
You are welcome!!! :)
1/19/2014 12:32:26 pm
Chocolate Banana Smoothie
1/19/2014 01:14:58 pm
Sounds good Helen. This will be good in the morning!
1/20/2014 02:34:18 am
Looking forward to trying this one!
1/20/2014 02:18:52 am
This morning's Smoothie was Orange and Banana
1/20/2014 02:37:43 am
Praying for everyone this morning!!! Believing with you for God to come through!! Just a reminder, depending on how toxic your body has become, you may experience headaches, muscle aches, and even flu-like symptoms as your body tries to detoxify. Keep pushing through and drink PLENTY of water!! Comments are closed.
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