PRAYER connects you to GOD!
FASTING disconnects you from the WORLD! It's time again, to journey as a church through 10 days of intentional prayer and fasting! January 20-29 It's time to put our faith into action and bring the fight to our knees in intercession... together! What will you believe God for? What expectations are you bringing to the spiritual table? Let's get real! Expect to be challenged! Don't expect an "easy" time! Expect a battle! Expect to wage war with your flesh as you intentionally deny it! However, you can also expect your Spirit man to rise up! You can expect victories! You can expect transformation and inspiration! As we crucify our flesh and surrender to the Spirit of God, we can expect healing and miracles, deliverance, freedom from bondage, breakthrough in every realm, a deeper depth of spiritual growth and testimonies of answered prayer! May we find a desperation to be functioning in the power of the Holy Spirit, purposeful about prayer and fasting, and walking in the anointing and authority of Jesus Christ! Keep in mind, that fasting without prayer, is nothing more than a diet! When your flesh screams…. let it be a reminder to hunger for GOD, His will, His plan, His desires... and run to your prayer closet... not the pantry! Fight the good fight and stay the course! Be intentional about praying and spending time in the Word. Then listen for His voice! Be still and know He is God! Be astoundingly aware of His presence! May your spiritual eyes be open and your heart ready to recieve as you join us on this journey! Please utilize this blog to share thoughts, prayers, prayer requests, scriptures, and encouragement, as God speaks to you. Share your personal struggles and triumphs! Share recipes you have found work well for you and we will add them to our collection! As we take this journey together, great and mighty things are in store! We are praying for YOU! Pastor Dave & Tammy Need inspiration? Check out the sermon link on right.... "Prayer & Fasting"! Check out the other links as well! The recipes are ones actually tried and suggested by church members. We will update it as more suggestions come in. The Guidelines tab will give you a list of foods to consume and foods to avoid! It is not an all-inclusive list, but it will serve as a springboard to help get you started.
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